Challenge accepted

Dear Self,

This is a year of growth for you. Sometimes growth is painful but that’s OK too. You see 2019 kicked you down but you’re still here… “But DID YOU DIE?” Nope you’re still standing… And I’m proud of you.

I challenge you to breathe more… Deep meaningful breaths. Breaths that matter, breaths that count.

If people are derogatory towards you… Breathe. Change your reaction and grow.

Enjoy every bit of life and thrive xxx

Nothing is impossible xxx

I don’t know about you but I’m excited about the changes that are heading my way.


Published by Donné

If you took the time to get to know me you would probably actually like me... I’ve been told I’m an acquired taste but who isn’t. I’m an online creator who works hard and is here to edify and encourage. I’m happy to promote products, just send me a free sample and I’ll review your product in my blog. For anyone needing my PayPal account: